make room is probably the first riot grrrl (a subgenre of punk rock that's focused around feminism) album i ever listened to on repeat. i recently saw destroy boys in concert and it was my favorite show i've ever been to. seeing all these women confidently sharing the pit with the men, losing their minds, slamming into people, and yelling- it's a different kind of concert experience. you cease to be a person, just another piece of meat in the pit. you can leave your mind and forget about all the insecurities you pick up as a woman.
i never realized how powerless i felt on a day-to-day basis until i got into my first mosh pit. outside of concert, somebody slams into you, you shrink back so you don't start anything- because you're too tired, you don't want to deal with it, because deep down you're scared. but in the pit- somebody slams you, you slam back. and if anybody falls down, everybody stops to help them up. you practice pushing back, while listening to banger music, along the community gathered around your favorite band. when you get out, you're that happy, sweaty, flaming-hot sort of exhausted. it makes you feel alive. it gives you hope that you can take back the power that was stolen from you as a woman/queer/poc/other marginalized group. go to a punk show, guys.
anyway- i heard in an interview with destroy boys that a lot of riot grrrl fans have told them that make room was their first punk album. it makes sense- with the vaguely high-school themed lyrics throughout, the anger, the bloodlust. this is the type of album that gets you fired up. my favorite song on this album is probably B.F.F. it just goes hard, okay? honestly, when i listen to music, i just want to feel something (this is not uncommon. unless the only genre of music you listen to is pop). i can either connect emotionally to the lyrics, or the instrumentals need to go so hard that i physically Cannot do a little jig while i'm listening. the woman-led violence and the rock sound in this album just makes me wanna smash into walls, ok?
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