cave world is certainly an evolution (no pun intended) in viagra boys' discography. it's a new sound for the band, and imo it works incredibly well. the album explores themes of evolution in all meanings of the word, while also questioning what parts of human nature may be innate. for example, in the opening track baby criminal, a disturbed boy grows up from being a troublemaker to a die-hard criminal. the boy was unable to change, only evolve to efficiently fit his lifestyle, because his mother never saw him as anything other than a baby undeserving of punishment. this song serves as a retrospective from the lead singer on his own life and the lives of those he was close to before he became sober.
many of the songs explore the de-evolution of society during the pandemic, and the way conspiracy theories and fear caused people to revert to paranoia and fear to find community. the third track, troglodyte, follows a man who has fallen down the conspiracy-theory rabbithole of hatred and fear. by succumbing to fear and anti-intellectualism, he's de-evolved into a troglodyte incapable of resisting hs primal urges, like killing his coworkers.
the lyrics are exceptional at telling alarming stories of real-world issues, while also keeping it loose and just as unhinged as reality. they're unique, sometimes bizarre, and direct. it feels like the lead is pulling thoughts directly out of his head, but it works, and it's all put over banger instrumentals that makes me want to dance.
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